Art directing work from LOSE between 2007 to 2010 at Nerd Corps

Force Fighter V Robot - I can't find the designs of the vehicles before transformation but I designed them so that every transformation could be animated and function. When I saw the boards for the episode, they got rid of the transformation sequence with a Tornado. I then storyboarded it and showed the board artist how it could be done. The Storyboard Supervisor (Krusty Rusty) Flipped out and has been calling me names since. In the end, they did it the way it was intended. You can watch the LOSE force fighter episode on the internet. Krusty Rusty is still bitter and his contract wasn't renewed for the second season.


Changemorpher 3 - Transformer episode in LOSE, was one of my favorites, really well written.

Changemorpher 3 – Transformer episode in LOSE, was one of my favorites, really well written.

Octopus Skeleton - This was a matte for a the museum in LOSE.

Octopus Skeleton

Back Cover - This was the Back cover of our show bible we used to pitch the show in 2005. I was really happy with the Skull design on Skulossus.

Back Cover – This was the Back cover of our show bible we used to pitch the show in 2005. I was really happy with the Skull design on Skulossus.

Before Explosion - Took forever to design this and they didn't even use it.

Before Explosion – Took forever to design this and they didn’t even use it.

Dinning room in ruins - They ended up using this guy and it looked great. Good episode too.

Dinning room in ruins – They ended up using this guy and it looked great. Good episode too.

Ant - season two, a Lord of the Rings inspired battle sequence against ants.

Ant – season two, a Lord of the Rings inspired battle sequence against ants.

Destruktor - We tried putting this guy in the show for so long and finally did it. the original story was a lot funnier though. We had a Conan dude as a janitor just waiting for Destruktor to turn evil again.

Destruktor – We tried putting this guy in the show for so long and finally did it. the original story was a lot funnier though. We had a Conan dude as a janitor just waiting for Destruktor to turn evil again.

Doom Driver june 23 - I like him, his car is pretty rad too but couldn't find it in the folders.

Doom Driver june 23 – I like him, his car is pretty rad too but couldn’t find it in the folders.

Doom World - This was made in 2007 or 2008. Look a lot like adventure time. especially the Mountain expressions. Love that Show.

Doom World – This is from 2008 and reminds me a lot of adventure time, especially the mountain expressions. Love that Fin and Jake.

Escape Pod

Escape Pod

Escape Pod Int - HMM HMM

Escape Pod Int – HMM HMM

Henchbot Elites - The super henchbots that look awesome but need upgrades for any task they make, was pretty funny.

Henchbot Elites – The super henchbots that look awesome but need upgrades for any task they make, was pretty funny.

Humongo  - The Season 1 finally bad guy.

Humongo – The Season 1 finally bad guy.

Kiddie car - This Evil Clown episode scared Kids when it aired, we couldn't bring the character back and that episode never aired again.

Kiddie car – This Evil Clown episode scared Kids when it aired, we couldn’t bring the character back and that episode never aired again.

Shuriken Typhoon Robot  - One of the first designs for the show.

Shuriken Typhoon Robot – One of the first designs for the show.

Sushizilla - I liked the Shrimp Predator Mouth that shoots hot wasabi.

Sushizilla – I liked the Shrimp Predator Mouth that shoots hot wasabi.

The Gang 2 - Old designs that never made it into the show. The terrific 3, and Skullossus' Cousin who's a bigger douche then Skullosus.

The Gang 2 – Old designs that never made it into the show. The terrific 3, and Skullossus’ Cousin who’s a bigger douche then Skullosus.

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