Art directing work from LOSE between 2007 to 2010 at Nerd Corps


Changemorpher 3 – Transformer episode in LOSE, was one of my favorites, really well written.

Octopus Skeleton

Back Cover – This was the Back cover of our show bible we used to pitch the show in 2005. I was really happy with the Skull design on Skulossus.

Before Explosion – Took forever to design this and they didn’t even use it.

Dinning room in ruins – They ended up using this guy and it looked great. Good episode too.

Ant – season two, a Lord of the Rings inspired battle sequence against ants.

Destruktor – We tried putting this guy in the show for so long and finally did it. the original story was a lot funnier though. We had a Conan dude as a janitor just waiting for Destruktor to turn evil again.

Doom Driver june 23 – I like him, his car is pretty rad too but couldn’t find it in the folders.

Doom World – This is from 2008 and reminds me a lot of adventure time, especially the mountain expressions. Love that Fin and Jake.

Escape Pod

Escape Pod Int – HMM HMM

Henchbot Elites – The super henchbots that look awesome but need upgrades for any task they make, was pretty funny.

Humongo – The Season 1 finally bad guy.

Kiddie car – This Evil Clown episode scared Kids when it aired, we couldn’t bring the character back and that episode never aired again.

Shuriken Typhoon Robot – One of the first designs for the show.

Sushizilla – I liked the Shrimp Predator Mouth that shoots hot wasabi.

The Gang 2 – Old designs that never made it into the show. The terrific 3, and Skullossus’ Cousin who’s a bigger douche then Skullosus.